Helping Others
Quakertown has three organizations that reach out and help community members in need.
If you are able to donate to assist our neighbors you can visit the websites below and just click
on the "Donate Now" button.
1. Quakertown Cares: greatnonprofits.org
2. Quakertown Community Outreach: quakertowncommunityoutreach. org
3. Bucks County Opportunity Council: bcoc.org
Thank you for your support !
Prayer on the Move
Prayer on the Move is a prayer initiatvie done while you are taking a walk, at no set time, at yur convenience. As you walk, you can pray for your neighbors, a neighborhood, or a house. Once you have prayed, we ask that you leave a door hanger for the residents of the house. For more information on this ministry contact Carol Pertuit at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Independence Court
Quakertown United Methodist Church delivers a monthly worship service at Independence Court on the second Sunday of each month. The worship service begins at 2:00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend .