Women's Retreat
Save the date!! Our next Women's Retreat will be held Friday, September 26, 2025, through Sunday, September 28, 2025. We will return to Pocono Plateau for a weekend of building relationships with God and one another. If you would like to help plan the retreat, contact Allison Ghorm (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Patty Wensel (wThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Blood Drive
Thank you for all of your help in making Friday’s blood drive a success! The team was able to collect 28 lifesaving pints of blood on a goal of 26 pints. Congratulations for exceeding your goal by 7!
The team there also took a nice photo in preparation for the super bowl, see attached. They had nothing but good things to say about how the day went, so I am hoping the donors felt the same way.
Our next drive is scheduled for Friday, May 9, 2025.
Dr. Belinda Forbes
Dr. Belinda Forbes
Global Missionary
of The United Methodist Church
Dr. Belinda Forbes is a Global Missionary with the Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) of The United Methodist Church serving in Nicaragua, Central America.
Dr. Forbes was commissioned by GBGM in 1997, and has carried out her missionary service in different placements. A dentist by profession, Dr. Forbes serves God and the Church by contributing to community dental health programs, coordinating short-term mission teams, mentoring volunteers, and interfacing with international partner organizations.
Dr. Forbes recently wrote QUMC:
Greetings QUMC,
Here is some good news to share with you. Starting in January 2025, my placement as a Global Missionary to Nicaragua through the General Board of Global Ministries will be renewed. For a second term, I will serve as the volunteer Liaison for Faith and Health Partnerships with Fundación AMOS Salud y Esperanza (AMOS Health and Hope). I am deeply grateful to God and to the leadership at both agencies for their guidance and support to make it possible for me to continue in mission service.
Equally important are your ongoing prayers and financial gifts to the Advance that make it possible for me to live the call to serve as your missionary. My deepest thanks to you for helping me be a part of the connection to share and receive the love of Christ as we build God’s new creation together.
Grace and peace,
Winter Weather Cancellation Policy
The Worship Team updated Quakertown United Methodist Church's Winter Weather Cancellation Policy as follows:
On Sunday mornings, Pastor Graham will make a decision on cancellation of worship services due to inclement weather. This will be done between 7:00 and 7:15am. If the decision is made to cancel worship, that information will be made available on:
- QUMC's office answering machine
- Television (WFMZ, Channel 69)
- QUMC's Facebook page
- Via an All-Church Email
Thank you as we all work together to be safe during these months of winter weather.
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