Membership Care

Angel Cards 

Angel Cards are printed with love by Carol and Ed Pertuit.  Committee members then send out the Angel Cards to members of the congregation with special needs in times of illness, bereavement, and general concern.  The Angel Cards are meant to carry the message of our love and concern to those members who are in need of prayer and support.


Liz Cole is our Membership Secretary.  Liz coordinates the attendance records and reports on attendance at Administrative Board and the Charge Conference.  When attendance drops off for a member of the congregation, the Secretary will send out a postcard letting the member know they are missed.  If the member is still unable to attend, there will be a follow up phone call.  After 12 weeks of absence the Secretary will try to make arrangements for a lay member or the pastor to visit the absent member.

Baptism Cards

Baptism Cards are another one of the functions printed with love by Carol and Ed Pertuit.  These beautiful cards are available on the lectern in the narthex for guests and members to sign after the celebration of baptism.

Birthday Cards

Birthday cards are purchased through the Friendly Book Store for members of the church who are under 18 and other "youngsters" over the age of 80.  Our wonderful church secretary maintains the birthday list for us.  Committee members then prepare the cards, usually on the quarterly basis, and send them out according to the list.  Help is always needed and enjoyed. 

Care Notes

Care Notes and Prayer Notes are the information brochures found in the narthex and in the hallway by the kitchen.  We inventory the cards twice a year and order new notes through the Abby Press.  If you have a special need and are interested in some unique literature, please contact the pastor and the Congregational Care Ministry team. 

Helping Hands

Helping Hands is a great service project that many of our youth enjoy and it gives them the opportunity to help other members of the congregation.  This ministry is coordinated by Frank Savage.  Frank will post a notice in the bulletin to set the dates for our fall and spring Helping Hands dates.  The service project includes thing like raking leaves or special clean-ups.  If you are in need of any assistance, please notify Frank Savage or call the church office. 

Hospital Equipment

We have a small inventory of hospital and medical equipment available to loan out to members who may be in need.  Please check back soon for a list of this equipment.  If you have any equipment you would like to donate or if you know of any members who are in need of equipment, please contact Liz Cole at 215.536.2046